Rules and Information on Trick Titles

Your petz can earn three possible Trick Titles. For each title, petz are expected to complete certain tricks to earn the title. There's no judging to earn a Trick Title-- as long as you submit a valid entry, you earn the title!

A pet can be any age to perform a trick and therefore any age is allowed at this event. You can enter as many petz as you would like, as long as you fill out the form correctly for each pet.

The Excellence title is awarded weekly to the top 10% of petz who display excellent performance.

For your pet to earn a title, you must capture a photo of your pet performing a trick for a treat (or voice command). To learn more about how petz perform tricks, please read my Trick Guide.

These titles require multiple photos merged into one image. You can use any image editing software you'd like to merge the photos. Here's an example:

Trick Show Entry

Besides merging the photos, no other editing of the image is allowed. When taking a photo of your pet, backgrounds must be white.

Tricks must be in the same gesture order each entry: Toy, Up, Down, Left/Right.

Titles at Thor's Petz

Abbrev. Title Name How to Earn
TDN/TCN Trick Dog/Cat Novice Enter one photo with 4 tricks from the Toy, Up, Down, and Left/Right gesture.
TDI/TCI Trick Dog/Cat Intermediate Must have earned Novice title first. This title replaces the Novice title. Enter one photo with 4 tricks from the Toy, Up, Down, and Left/Right gesture. Entry must show different tricks from Novice title.
TDA Trick Dog Advanced Must have earned Intermediate title first. This title replaces the Intermediate title. Enter one photo with 4 acrobatic tricks from the Toy, Up, Down, and Left/Right gesture. Tricks must be of the acrobatic category. Entry must show different tricks from Novice and Intermediate title.
TDX/TCX## Trick Dog/Cat Excellence Awarded to the judge's favorite picks. Somewhat subjective and based on a few factors (usually how I judge my trick shows on forums). I prefer petz that are either looking at the camera or in the direction of the motion. Good expressions. Tricks photo are taken at the highest/ best points. Profile or straight aligned are preferred.
*All Trick Titles are Suffix
## is how many times the pet has earned that title